Without Lola

A bell rings, signaling the start of another busy day in 3rd grade.

Teacher gives clear directions: "Put your lunch outside, turn in last night’s math assignment, copy today’s homework, read quietly for 20 minutes."

Yet somehow, despite the teacher’s clear instructions, as twenty-four 8 year olds commence unpacking backpacks jammed with books, last night’s homework and permission slips, chaos and clamor ensue.

This is not the sign of a disorganized teacher; it’s how today’s 3rd graders roll.

Thus begins the cycle of repetitive asking/answering of questions: *What do I do with this? Where do I turn in that? * *By the time 30 minutes have passed, students are off task and the teacher is frustrated. *

This sort of class disruption is not extraordinary; more than likely it’s the norm.

With Lola

8:06 am Bell rings, students file into Room 29.

Without verbal instructions from Mrs. Sartore, the classroom is abuzz with lively productivity. Kids know what to do: get an iPad and fire up Lola. While they’re doing this, Mrs. Sartore opens her laptop, types up a morning work system routine and sends it to the students with the mere touch of a button.

Quiet as mice, kids read the instructions on Lola and flow. As each task is completed, students tap “I’m Done”; the next task is magnified, ready to be worked on. Freed from having to repeat simple directions or micro-manage a particular student, Mrs. Sartore now has time to answer questions, monitor learning and move the day along.

Even tardy students independently catch up with the class in no time using Lola. They just log in and follow the work system. No disruption. No repetition. No frustration. With Lola, a classroom is full of productivity, where everyone thrives!
