If your child has challenges with executive function, you understand how important it is to find solutions that help your child learn and grow. We developed the Lola app because a parent, just like you, had a child with executive function challenges in Karen's classroom.
How Lola works
Lola is an app that makes it easy for teachers to keep special needs students on track in the classroom. With Lola, teachers can create, share, and manage students through task lists and simple direct messaging.
Teachers, or any adult, assign a list of tasks to your child and add desired completion time for each task. Your child, using a tablet, will only see the task list with the current task highlighted.
To complete the current task, your child taps "done" and the teacher or adult is notified that your child is on track. If your child does not complete the task, the teacher or adult is notified and can send a private direct message to nudge your child back on track.
If your child have questions or needs help, he/she can message the teacher directly and the teacher can respond without any other students being aware of the interaction.
What can Lola do for your child
Lola can help your child stay on task in the classroom. By using Lola, your child will always know what task they should be working on. Your child no longer needs to ask for help in front of the entire class. This helps build their sense of control and independence.
How Lola helps teachers
We all know that children benefit from a calm learning environment. Lola helps teachers calm the classroom because kids using Lola always know what to do next. This prevents interruptions, which is a major challenge for teachers everywhere.
Can I get Lola for my child now?
We are in closed BETA testing. While in closed testing, school teachers, parents, and principals can ask to be on the invite list for our public launch. We have not yet set our launch date, but will publish the data as soon as we are ready. Meanwhile, please contact us if you have questions and check back here frequently for updates.
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